Documentation for the RESTful API (SyntagRank)

In what follows, we describe the typical usage of our RESTful API and its parameters. The SyntagRank API allows the user to perform two distinct queries:

Disambiguate Text

With Disambiguate Text, SyntagRank will process a raw text provided as input, given a target language among the five currently supported: EN (English), DE (German), FR (French), ES (Spanish), and IT (Italian).






Name Type Description
text String The text to be disambiguated (with a maximum length of 1,500 characters). For example, text=this is a text.
lang String The language of the input text, among the five currently supported: EN (English), DE (German), FR (French), ES (Spanish), and IT (Italian).


{ "Code": 200, "Content": { "language": "EN", "tokens": [ { "senseID": "wn:02604760v", "position": { "charOffsetBegin": 5, "charOffsetEnd": 7 } }, { "senseID": "wn:06387980n", "position": { "charOffsetBegin": 10, "charOffsetEnd": 14 } } ] } }


Name Description
language The language of the disambiguated tokens.
tokens Contains a list of disambiguated tokens.
senseID Identifies the WordNet 3.0 offset for the concept assigned to the token.
position Contains information concerning the token positioning.
charOffsetBegin Highlights the position where a given term instance starts. Expressed as char offset from the text start.
charOffsetEnd Highlights the position where a given term instance ends. Expressed as char offset from the text start.

Disambiguate Tokens

With Disambiguate Tokens, SyntagRank will accept a pre-processed text as input to be disambiguated. As for Disambiguate Text, language specification is required. Each token must show information concerning index (id), word form (word), lemma form (lemma), POS tag (pos), and a boolean indicating whether the token is a content word to be disambiguated (isTargetWord).






Name Type Description
lang String The language of the input text, among the five currently supported: EN (English), DE (German), FR (French), ES (Spanish), and IT (Italian).
words List<Token> Contains a list, each representing a single token of the input text.


Name Type Description
id String Identifies the position of the token in the input text.
word String Identifies the token, as it appears in the input text.
lemma String The lemmatized form of the token.
pos String The Part of Speech of the token.
isTargetWord boolean If true, identifies a token (for a content word) to be disambiguated.

Request Example

{ "lang": "EN", "words": [ { "id": "0", "word": "this", "lemma": "this", "pos": "X", "isTargetWord": false }, { "id": "1", "word": "is", "lemma": "be", "pos": "VERB", "isTargetWord": true }, { "id": "2", "word": "a", "lemma": "a", "pos": "X", "isTargetWord": false }, { "id": "3", "word": "first", "lemma": "first", "pos": "ADJ", "isTargetWord": true }, { "id": "4", "word": "test", "lemma": "test", "pos": "NOUN", "isTargetWord": true } ] }


{ "Code": 200, "Content": { "result": [ { "id": "3", "synset": "wn:06387980n" }, { "id": "1", "synset": "wn:02604760v" } ] } }


Name Description
result Contains a list of disambiguated tokens.
id Identifies the position of the disambiguated token according to the input text.
synset Identifies the WordNet 3.0 offset for the concept assigned to the token.